(Video) 40th Human-Computer Interaction Lab Symposium - College of Information (INFO)

(Video) 40th Human-Computer Interaction Lab Symposium

INFO Staff - June 27, 2023

INFO professors and other HCIL experts discuss human-computer interaction technology during 40th annual event


Amid increased conversations about artificial intelligence and its emerging role in society, experts on human-computer interaction (HCI) discussed current research and future implications of advanced technology during the 40th annual University of Maryland Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) symposium on March 25. 

The hybrid, all-day event featured three plenary talks, two panels, and 38 lightning talks. Some topics included artificial intelligence, privacy and security, natural language processing, technology education, and design challenges in accessibility and health. 

In-person attendees received a swag bag, had opportunities to talk with HCIL faculty, saw demos and student posters, and could participate in a tutorial by HuggingFace, an artificial intelligence company.

INFO lecturers Heera Lee and Jason Aston, Assistant Professors David Weintrop, Ge Gao, Victoria Van Hyning, and Caro Williams-Pierce as well as INFO Associate Professors Sheena Erete, Tamara Clegg, Susannah B.F. Paletz and Jessica Vitak, who has been the HCIL’s director since 2021, spoke at the event along with eight other experts from other UMD departments and research centers.

Watch recordings of the presentations here: