Three iSchool Graduate Students Receive Prestigious UMD Awards - College of Information (INFO)

Three iSchool Graduate Students Receive Prestigious UMD Awards

iSchoolNews - May 15, 2018

Three iSchool Graduate Students Receive Prestigious UMD Awards

The College of Information Studies (iSchool) at the University of Maryland proudly recognizes three graduate students as the winners of prestigious awards from the University of Maryland Graduate School.

Karen Boyd
Recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award

The Graduate School established the Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award to recognize and honor the outstanding contributions that Graduate Assistants provide to students, faculty, departments, administrative units, and the University as a whole. The award conveys the honor of being named among the top 2% of campus Graduate Assistants in a given year. Karen Boyd is a fourth-year Ph.D. student, working with her advisor Dr. Katie Shilton, who wrote in the nomination letter: “Karen has worked with me as a GA for four years, and every year her impact as a GA grows. She’s extremely hard-working and organized – the kind of student I could rely upon from day one to not only pursue her coursework but to participate fully in research.”

Gagan Jindal
Recipient of the ALL-STAR Fellowship

The Graduate School All-S.T.A.R. Fellowships support and honor graduate students who are both outstanding scholars and outstanding graduate assistants. This year’s winner of the All-S.T.A.R. Fellowship at iSchool is Gagan Jindal, a second-year Ph.D. student. In the letter to nominate Ms. Jindal for the fellowship, her advisor Dr. Beth St. Jean wrote: “As both an RA and TA, she has consistently taken the initiative to think about how we can move forward in terms of both teaching and research and to then enthusiastically undertake whatever work this might entail.”

Lacey Sabado
Recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award

The Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award recognizes and honors the outstanding contributions that Graduate Assistants provide to students, faculty, departments, administrative units, and the University as a whole. The award conveys the honor of being named among the top 2% of campus Graduate Assistants in a given year. Lacey Sabado is a student in and GA for the HCIM program. In nominating her for the award, Ms. Carol Boston, Coordinator of the HCIM program, wrote: “She brings a great skill set to her work as the GA for the HCIM program; she is hard-working, professional, and quick to take initiative; and she serves as a vibrant link between the program and the students.”

Approximately 4,000 UMD graduate students serve the campus as teaching, administrative, or research assistants. We are honored to have such distinguished representation from the iSchool among award recipients