David was a leader in IT and operations at the University of Maryland for over 20 years.
Dave Baugh, Photo by Craig Taylor
David “Dave” Steven Baugh, 45, of Centreville, MD passed away on June 1, 2023. He was born August 19, 1977. Dave played a key role in IT and operations at the University of Maryland (UMD) for over 20 years, most recently as the Director of IT & Facilities at the UMD College of Information Studies (INFO). Dave also served since September 2022 as the college’s Interim Assistant Dean of Finance and Administration.
Dave grew up in Illinois, relocating to the east coast after high school where he first began his journey at UMD as a student, earning a bachelor’s degree in biology in 2000 and his MBA from UMUC in 2017. Dave joined UMD professionally in 2000 as an IT Support Associate for the university’s central IT office. Over the next six years, Dave went on to build a reputation of kind, calm support and creative problem solving.
Dave was tapped in 2006 to build and lead the IT (and then later, facilities) infrastructure for the then small college, INFO. He was often quoted saying how big changes take time and “no big problems can be fixed overnight.” Dave was known for this calm and steady leadership over the next 17 years as he steered the college’s critical IT and facilities operations – during which the college quadrupled in size. His leadership was instrumental when the college, nearly overnight, switched to being fully online at the beginning of the pandemic.
During this time, Dave went from being a team of one to leading a high performing, diverse team of twelve. The IT and Facilities group, with Dave as leader, was an incubator for its members’ professional and personal growth. He was quick to deflect praise to others and was incredibly proud of his team.
“Dave wanted to see everyone around him achieve their goals. Most importantly, he cared. This enabled him to build a unique thing – an IT Services group that had diverse membership, high performance, and low turnover. He had a strong reputation across campus as a problem solver and a leader.” – Brian Butler, Dean, University of Alabama College of Communication & Information Sciences; former Senior Associate Dean, UMD College of Information Studies

Bill Wilson and Dave Baugh, 2007
Dave had genuine caring for his colleagues, known for his morning walks around the office to greet others and often setting up 15 minute in-person touch bases just to catch up. He was also known for pitching in to help with any project, big or small. Not surprisingly, Dave was the recipient of the INFO college’s inaugural William “Bill” G. Wilson Staff Excellence Award in 2007. He received this honor again in 2021. This annual award recognizes one remarkable staff member each year who exemplifies a commitment to the college and a helpful, able, warm, and generous spirit.
“It was obvious how important Dave was to the college. And how important the college was to Dave. I appreciated his encouragement, solutions, and kindness to all. He had that rare talent of making the person he was talking to feel like the most important person in the world.” – Kathy Weaver, Senior Lecturer, UMD College of Information Studies
“Academic units often have someone who defines the culture – a person who others look up to for guidance and strength. Dave was that someone for our college.” – Keith Marzullo, Dean, UMD College of Information Studies
The college will remember Dave’s love for his family – he is survived by his wife, Heather, and two sons, Michael and William. Dave will also be remembered for his deep appreciation of the Maryland Eastern Shore and his passion for baseball. He could often be found after a long workday taking in a UMD baseball game on Shipley Field, with a view from the second floor of the Patuxent Building.
Dave’s warmth, selflessness, and generosity of spirit has impacted countless lives. He will be mourned and remembered.
“Dave’s more than two decades of dedicated and outstanding service to our university will not be forgotten and he will always be a part of our Terrapin family.” – Darryll Pines, President, UMD