Jeopardy: UMD's Jordan Boyd-Graber Receives Shout-Out on Jeopardy Masters - College of Information (INFO)

Jeopardy: UMD’s Jordan Boyd-Graber Receives Shout-Out on Jeopardy Masters

INFO Staff - May 24, 2024

INFO affiliate faculty Jordan Boyd-Graber mentioned by Jeopardy contestant during show

Screenshot of Jeopardy Masters host Ken Jennings

In a recent episode of Jeopardy Masters, host Ken Jennings and contestant Yogesh Raut had a brief exchange regarding an AI designed by UMD professor Jordan Boyd-Graber and his students. Jordan Boyd-Graber is a UMD associate professor in the Department of Computer Science with a focus on machine learning, and an affiliate of the College of Information Sciences (INFO). Jeopardy Masters features previous Jeopardy winners as contestants, and is hosted by legendary 74-time Jeopardy winner Ken Jennings. Their conversation is as follows.

Jennings: Yogesh Raut is back with us from Vancouver, Washington. Now, you and Victoria are opponents right now, but you’ve been teammates in the past, and once, I understand, against a fairly unusual opponent.

Raut: Following in the footsteps of the great John Henry and the great Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, a professor named Jordan Boyd-Graber had his students design an algorithm to play quiz bowl– an artificial intelligence. And to test it, he asked Victoria and I to team up and try to defeat it.

Jennings: I think I lost to Jordan’s AI at some point. How did you two do?

Raut: I finished in a dead heat, oddly..

Watch the clip here: