Jen Golbeck Discusses the Departure of Instagram's Founders - College of Information (INFO)

Jen Golbeck Discusses the Departure of Instagram’s Founders

iSchoolNews - October 4, 2018

Jen Golbeck Discusses the Departure of Instagram’s Founders

Dr. Jen Golbeck of the University of Maryland College of Information Studies appeared on Knowledge@Wharton to discuss the resignation of Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger amid reports of rising tension with parent company Facebook.

“Facebook gets in there, and they promise to leave them alone and let them do their thing, then Facebook eventually starts meddling with them and trying to make them Facebook-like,” Golbeck said. “If you’ve built this thing and really have a vision for it as something different than Facebook, that can be disheartening. And that’s what we’ve seen now for the second time.”

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