INFO College Announces New Embedded Counselor for Students - College of Information (INFO)

INFO College Announces New Embedded Counselor for Students

INFO Staff - August 23, 2024

Licensed counselor Monique McIntyre is a new resource dedicated to INFO students' well-being

Students studying at tables in Hornbake Plaza

Monique McIntyreCollege Park, MD – The University of Maryland College of Information (INFO) announced the addition of Monique McIntyre, Embedded Counselor at the INFO College, to the college’s roster of resources for INFO students.

The Embedded Counselor for the INFO College is a UMD Counseling Center clinician situated in the INFO College. By placing counselors onsite, the UMD Counseling Center makes it easier for INFO students to get mental health services. McIntyre will be available to meet with students to assess their mental health needs and direct them to appropriate resources, and to provide treatment and consultation as needed.

In this role, McIntyre will offer consultation to INFO faculty and staff about how to best support students and will be involved in the INFO College’s well-being focused efforts. The Embedded Counselor also provides outreach programs tailored to the INFO College for student groups, classes, program departments, and other groups of faculty or staff by request. Programming is focused on mental health education and awareness, with programs for students focused on their mental health while programs for faculty and staff focused on techniques for best supporting students.

Working specifically with the INFO College faculty, staff, and students, McIntyre will be able to tailor services and programs to the unique needs of INFO students.

The Embedded Counselor is a licensed mental health professional employed by the UMD Counseling Center. As such, all mental health services provided by the Embedded Counselor are confidential and follow UMD Counseling Center policies.

To learn more about the Embedded Counselor at the INFO College or to connect, please visit Monique McIntyre’s webpage. McIntyre is now available to meet with INFO students.