Fighting Disinformation to Save Democracy - College of Information (INFO)

Fighting Disinformation to Save Democracy

Hayleigh Moore - March 23, 2020

row of people sitting in chairs with a microphone in front of them

Dr. Jen Golbeck, Dr. Charles Harry, and Dr. Naeemul Hassan

Cambridge Analytica, Russian bots, and online election interference on social media has people worried that these platforms are threatening democracy.

The Fighting Disinformation to Save Democracy panel featured top researchers in the field discussing what’s to come with disinformation, the current and future impact on democracy, and how technologies can help us determine what is trustworthy information. Panelists representing the UMD iSchool included Dr. Charles Harry, Dr. Naeemul Hassan, and Dr. Jen Golbeck as the panel moderator. Additional panelists included Dr. Dave Karpf from the School of Media & Public Affairs at George Washington University and Dr. Shawn Parry-Giles from the UMD Department of Communication and Rosenker Center for Political Communication & Civic Leadership.

To learn about what’s coming next in disinformation, watch the full discussion below or by clicking the link here.