David Baugh Announced as iSchool Director of IT and Facilities - College of Information (INFO)

David Baugh Announced as iSchool Director of IT and Facilities

iSchoolNews - June 21, 2018

David Baugh Announced as iSchool Director of IT and Facilities

headshot of David (Dave) BaughDavid (Dave) Baugh was named the University of Maryland College of Information Studies (iSchool) Director of IT and Facilities. Dave has been at the iSchool for 12 years, during which time he spearheaded the growth of the IT Department and brought significant enhancement to IT support and resources for instruction and research, such as the iSchool’s Virtual Computer Lab (VCL) infrastructure. This coming year, Dave looks to roll out VCL 2.0 with enhanced functionality and to oversee the iSchool’s move to the Patuxent Building and rearrangement of offices and spaces in the Hornbake Building. Dave is also an active mentor for computer science and information science students. Dave’s leadership and guidance are valued at the college and we congratulate him on this promotion.