Clickbait Headlines Might Not Lure Readers as Much - College of Information (INFO)

Clickbait Headlines Might Not Lure Readers as Much

iSchool News - August 24, 2021

UMD iSchool researchers find that identifying fake news with AI may be more complicated than anticipated. 

University of Maryland College of Information Studies (UMD iSchool) Assistant Professor Naeemul Hassan and PhD Student Md Main Uddin Rony were featured in PennState News and on ScienceBlog about their research on the challenges of using AI to spot clickbait.

Through their studies, they found that clickbait, headlines that lure users to click on them, are not as effective as they were once thought to be.

They suggest that, “the popularity of clickbait headlines in the past might be a reason for the failure of the headlines to engage readers in their studies. Clickbait could be so ubiquitous in today’s media that they fail to stand out and attract the same attention as traditional headlines.”

The research team presented their findings at the 2021 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).

Read the full PennState News article and ScienceBlog article here.