BSIS Student Builds Database for the Library of Congress - College of Information (INFO)

BSIS Student Builds Database for the Library of Congress

iSchool News - August 27, 2020

As a summer intern at the Library of Congress, Sarah Patrick transformed a print resource into an interactive digital experience.

BSIS Student Builds Database for the Library of Congress

Quotations Database Prototype infographicUniversity of Maryland Bachelor of Science in Information Science (BSIS) student Sarah Patrick spent her summer interning at the Library of Congress through the Junior Fellows Program.

Sarah was a fellow in the Knowledge Services Group/Congressional Research Service and worked on a Quotations Database Prototype project. This project entailed converting the quotation book “Respectfully Quoted”, a book of over 2,000 quotations compiled by Congressional Research Service staff and published by the Library of Congress in 1989, from a print document to a visual graph database.

Sarah’s database allows users to find quotations online and visually identify relationships to other quotations. Additionally, it enables the discovery of other information that users may have not thought of.

Learn more about Sarah’s project here.