UMD INFO Events - College of Information (INFO)


Thriving through COVID-19, Session 3

Event Start Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 11:00 am

Event End Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 12:30 pm

Session 3: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

Despite the challenges caused by COVID-19, libraries are eager to reconnect with their patrons and with each other. How can we help each other thrive in the new normal?

Moderator: Elena Maslyukova, Senior Info Officer, Librarian, The World Bank Group
Cy Behroozi, Library Director, Brookings Institution
Cy will speak about optimizing communications with patrons. During remote work, the Library has kept the Brookings community engaged by enhancing, targeting, and carefully editing communications.

Karen Krugman, Federal Reserve Board
Karen will discuss how the library handled the transition to remote work, including an increased patron demand for data, a shift to eBooks, preparing for a physical move in 2021, and staying connected as a team.

After their presentations, there will be time for a short discussion.