UMD INFO Events - College of Information (INFO)


SoDa Symposium: Social Data Science Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

Event Start Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 12:00 pm

Event End Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 1:00 pm

Location: Virtual EST

Enjoy two presentations on innovation and entrepreneurship in social data science, followed by a Q&A. Brought to you by the UMD SoDa Center.

Presentation 1: Research opportunities in the challenging survival world of social media fame and fortune

Presented by Dr. Charles DiSogra, Survey Research Methodologist. Dr. DiSogra has had senior positions at Meta and Google.  At Meta he was director of user experience research for Facebook app and more recently director of research with Meta’s Demography and Survey Sciences group.  Prior to Meta, he built the survey and statistics team for Google’s customer experience lab that tracks global advertiser satisfaction for the company. He was also the founding director of the California Health Interview Survey at UCLA and was Chief Statistician and Senior Vice President at both Abt SRBI and Knowledge Networks/GfK.

Presentation 2: Promoting Open Government Data with Economics and Entrepreneurship

Presented by Dr. Ginger Zhe Jin, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Maryland and Co-Founder, Hazel Analytics. Dr. Jin is also the ADVANCE Professor of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University. She served as the Director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics from Jan 2016 to Jul 2017. Most of Dr. Jin’s research focuses on information asymmetry among economic agents and how to provide information to overcome the information problem. The applications she has studied include retail food safety, health insurance, prescription drugs, and more.

More about the UMD SoDa Center

The powerful information available in large social science data sets is critical to understanding and addressing many of our nation and world’s most pressing challenges: from Covid-19 to racial, social and economic injustice; and from climate change to deep and damaging political and cultural divides. To help address these challenges, the University of Maryland has launched a new Social Data Science Center (SoDa) designed to advance research, education, and applications of social data measurement and analysis. This center leverages UMD’s strengths in survey methods, measurement, information management, visualization, and analytics. Facebook is providing support for the center’s research and education programs over the next three years.


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