UMD INFO Events - College of Information (INFO)


Talk: Accidental Evidence – The Amateur Film in the Government Archive

Event Start Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 - 4:00 pm

Event End Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 - 5:00 pm

Location: Hybrid: Hornbake 2119 and Zoom

The Federal archive may be the last place one thinks to look for amateur film, but among the footage shot by government employees and contractors there are numerous films collected by government agencies because they document activities or events of importance to the United States. This “accidental evidence” includes films of UFO sightings, a presidential assassination, and the activities of American fascists. In this presentation, Audrey Amidon and Heidi Holmstrom from NARA will reflect on what makes a film a government record and how these amateur films came to be preserved at the National Archives.

Join us for this installment of the CAFe Speaker Series. Free, open to the public, registration required.


Audrey Amidon, Motion Picture Preservation Specialist, Moving Image and Sound Preservation Labs, National Archives and Records Administration

Heidi Holmstrom, Motion Picture Preservation Specialist, National Archives and Records Administration

The Center for Archival Futures (CAFe) endeavors to develop and disseminate human-centered approaches to creating systems, processes, and institutions. This will enable the use of and care for digital objects and data over time. Additionally, we take a holistic view of digital curation as a research area, education domain, and growing profession that transcends disciplines and organizational contexts. The Center for Archival Futures conducts research, education, and partnership building. Learn more about upcoming CAFe Speaker Series events here, and be sure to sign up for event announcements here.


Research Talks/Events