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Speaking of Books with Dr. Shay Hazkani: Dear Palestine – UMD Libraries

Event Start Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 1:00 pm

Event End Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 2:30 pm

Location: Virtual

Powered by Research Commons at University Libraries. Speaking of Books series features free, open to the community and public talks by UMD faculty authors on their recently published work. 

Dr. Shay Hazkani

Dr. Shay Hazkani is a historian of the modern Middle East, with a particular interest in the social and cultural history of Palestine/Israel, and Middle Eastern Jews. In his research and teaching he focuses on the interactions between elites and non-elites, and how ideas which emanate from elites and state institutions were transformed and subverted as they make their way to the reflections and conduct of ordinary people.

His forthcoming book, Dear Palestine: A Social History of the 1948 War (Stanford University Press) recasts the 1948 war in Palestine through a socio-cultural history of the conflict’s ordinary actors and its transnational reverberations. [Visit full biography].

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