UMD INFO Events - College of Information (INFO)


Save the Date: iSchool Virtual Career Fair

Event Start Date: Friday, October 16, 2020 - 1:00 pm

Event End Date: Friday, October 16, 2020 - 4:00 pm

Join our virtual Career & Internship Fair, where students can video chat one-on-one with employers across the spectrum of iSchool interests. More employers are signing up every day! All students and alumni are welcome – whether you’re actively seeking a job/internship, or interested in networking to learn more about employers and their positions.

The Fair will be hosted on Careers4Terps, UMD’s career management platform. Before the fair, you should plan to register to attend. The link below will prompt you to log into your Careers4Terps account using your CAS login. Once in the system, click ATTEND and upload or update your resume on Careers4Terps. Once complete, employers will be able to view your information in advance and invite you to connect. During the fair, you can also line up in chat queues to meet the employers who interest you.

RSVP here to get started (recommended, but not required) and let employers know you’re coming! ( )

Questions? Contact us at