UMD INFO Events - College of Information (INFO)


Participatory Design: A Digital Literacy Case Study with Dr. Victor Udoewa

Event Start Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 - 9:00 am

Event End Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 - 10:00 am

Digital Literacy

When: March 2, 2021 9AM via Zoom

Title: Participatory Design: A Digital Literacy Case Study


Dr Victor Udoewa is a Service Design Lead and Customer Experience Strategist with NASA, who has previously worked with 18F and Google. He will introduce us to the concept and practice of Research Justice & Participatory Design. Victor is a civic tech designer who helps federal, state, and local governments improve their products and services for the public – citizens, immigrants, and refugees. In his social impact career he has had the opportunity to do social impact work that is truly human-centered, community-centered, and society-centered through research justice and participatory design. What is participatory design and what does it look like in practice? How does it differ from other design methodologies? You might be asking yourself “Is this yet ANOTHER toolkit and playbook to add to the 12 others I must use (ethical design, inclusive design, cross-cultural design, pluraversal design, values-based design, behavior-driven design, etc.)? How does this even change the outcome of what I design or its impact?” Come and find out by exploring a case study on digital literacy in India. All these questions and hopefully more will be answered.

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