
MLA Conversations MLA/DLA 2020 Virtual Conference Preview

Event Start Date: Friday, September 18, 2020 - 3:00 pm

Event End Date: Friday, September 18, 2020 - 4:00 pm

This will be the all-conference preview episode, focused on the upcoming MLA/DLA 2020 Virtual Conference!

  • Naomi Keppler, Conference Chair (and guest host)
  • EJ Dowling, Reference Librarian at the Fletcher Branch of Washington County Free Library (also overseeing the Conference’s Ignite sessions)
  • Sean Hogan, Assistant Director for Access Services and Facilities (also overseeing the Conference’s poster sessions)

You will be sent the login information from Registration will close 15 minutes prior to the start of the event. We will be using Zoom. Thanks for being a part of the conversation!

Did you miss our conversation last Friday with Elizabeth Howe and Mary Mannix about the community history collections at the Hagerstown and Frederick libraries? View the recording here.

Access Passcode: &1tL^6zq


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