UMD INFO Events - College of Information (INFO)


iSG-SOCC prospective student forum

Event Start Date: Friday, October 30, 2020 - 11:00 am

Event End Date: Friday, October 30, 2020 - 1:00 pm

the iSchool Graduate Student of Color Collective (iSG-SOCC). It is designed as a supportive space for students of color that are pursuing graduate study at the UMD iSchool. We currently have 40 active members and have already hosted several virtual events.

One of the pillars of this group is mentorship. We know that part of our responsibility as students of color is to mentor and encourage the next generation of graduate students of color. Therefore, we are hosting a forum for prospective iSchool students that are students of color. At the forum, attendees will hear from a panel of current iSchool graduate students about what iSchool study is like, specifically through the lens of being a student of color. We hope this forum will encourage people of color to pursue graduate studies.

Attached, you will find a flyer about the event, which will be held next Friday, October 30, from 11:00am-1:00pm. We have been reaching out to student groups on campus, such as the Black Student Union. But I also wanted to make you all aware of this initiative, in case you know of students in your undergrad classes that may be interested in participating in this event. Interested students can fill out this interest form for the event.