UMD INFO Events - College of Information (INFO)


INFO Tenure Talk: “Computing Education Research: What it is and the Role that iSchools Can/Should Play in Shaping the Field”

Event Start Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - 4:00 pm

Event End Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - 5:30 pm

Location: INFO Commons (HBK 0300)

UMD faculty, staff, postdocs, and Ph.D. students—join us for the next INFO Tenure Talk, where you can learn more about the work that has granted the speaker tenure at the INFO College. (Registration required.)


Understanding the role and impact of computing, and the technologies it enables, is critical for people to be informed citizens in our increasingly technological world. Historically, advances in computing education have either come from Colleges of Education, where research on pedagogy and learning takes place, or computer science departments, where disciplinary expertise resides. In this talk, I will argue that Colleges of Information Studies (iSchools), with their expertise at the intersection of technology and people, are well-positioned to play a growing role in the field of computing education research. To make this case, I will present research from several completed and ongoing research projects and also introduce emerging lines of inquiry that highlight the potential for iSchool faculty and students to have a lasting and meaningful impact on the work of computing education.


A photo of David Weintrop.

David Weintrop is an Associate Professor and the Dean’s Impact Professor in the Department of Teaching & Learning, Policy & Leadership in the College of Education with a joint appointment in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland. His research focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of effective, engaging, and equitable computational learning experiences. His work lies at the intersection of design, computer science education, and the learning sciences. In support of his work, David received a National Academy of Education/Spencer postdoctoral fellowship and an NSF CAREER award. David holds a Ph.D. in the Learning Sciences from Northwestern University and a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan.


Additional Information:

Please contact at least one week prior to the event to request disability accommodations. In all situations, a good faith effort (up until the time of the event) will be made to provide accommodations.

Speaker(s): David Weintrop


Research Talks/Events