Turning Dreams into Impact: One Donor’s Contribution to Future Innovators

Laurie Robinson - July 16, 2024

Adjunct faculty member Faisal Quader reflects on his philanthropy

Faisal Quader

Shelving books in the library between classes, waiting tables at a local restaurant, handling catering events until midnight. As an undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin, Faisal Quader’s day was an intricate dance of balancing academics with the pressures of three jobs. As an international student, he had limited access to financial aid and the hefty burden of out-of-state tuition fees.

“After midnight coming home, and then studying for homework and quizzes and exams that were due the next day, wasn’t the best experience and utilization of my time,” he says. “It was very stressful for me, but I had no choice. I had to raise enough funds to pay my tuition.”

Quader, co-founder of Technuf LLC and adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland’s College of Information (INFO), always wanted to ease the burden of students who struggle much like he did. Now, with a generous $100K donation—set to be matched dollar-for-dollar—he’s making that a reality.

“We have a great pool of highly talented individuals at UMD, and I see the hunger and enthusiasm to learn new things, but when they are obstructed with this burden of high cost of living and cost of education, I feel the pain,” he says. “So that motivated me. I like to make that difference to my students, so that they can focus more on their studies. So any little bit helps, every penny counts.”

Quader also gives back by teaching emerging technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), cybersecurity, and robotic process automation (RPA). “When I walk into my classroom and look into the hungry eyes of my students, I feel like giving my 200% to teach them and guide them to the path of success and prosperity,” he says. “And that is my biggest satisfaction and there is nothing more to ask for.”   

Fostering Tomorrow’s Tech Leaders

Quader’s dedication to fostering education and innovation doesn’t stop at his philanthropy. Through his company Technuf LLC, Quader established an Innovation Center of Excellence, a vital community resource that highlights the symbiotic relationship between academia and industry. 

The center brings in 20-30 University of Maryland and University of Maryland, Baltimore County students each summer as interns. These interns, from both graduate and undergraduate programs, focus on real-world applications of AI/ML, cybersecurity, and RPA over a three-month period, emphasizing team building and technological innovation.

The Innovation Center of Excellence is more than just a summer job for these students; it’s an opportunity to immerse themselves in a tech-centric environment, surrounded by experienced professionals who are leading the charge in these cutting-edge fields. 

“So it’s a win-win, we get great talents from the university, and yet we can give something back to students so they are ready for the real world by the time they finish the internship and go back to school,” says Quader. 

The program’s emphasis on team building is particularly noteworthy. Students learn the importance of collaboration and communication in a professional setting, skills that are essential for any successful career in technology. By working on team-based projects, interns develop a deeper understanding of how to work effectively within a group, manage time, and solve complex problems collectively.

“I like to bring in some soft skills to our technical students, so they become comfortable talking to the business folks about their technology and innovations in the industry,” says Quader. “I’m very proud and happy that we’re able to make that difference for our students at UMD.”