(Video) INFO Professor Jonathan Lazar Gives Closing Keynote Speech About the Born-Accessible Model at the INTERACT Conference - College of Information (INFO)

(Video) INFO Professor Jonathan Lazar Gives Closing Keynote Speech About the Born-Accessible Model at the INTERACT Conference

INFO Staff - December 5, 2023

The speech focuses on the born-accessible model for Software and Digital Content Development

Jonathan Lazar speaking at the INTERACT Conference.

INFO Professor Jonathan Lazar gave the closing keynote speech at the INTERACT conference in York, UK, on September 1st.

The INTERACT conference has been held biennially since the early 1980s, and is the flagship conference of IFIP TC 13 (https://ifip-tc13.org).

The closing keynote speech focused on the born-accessible model for Software and Digital Content Development.

The born-accessible model is one of the hallmarks of the Maryland Initiative for Digital Accessibility (MIDA), of which Jonathan Lazar serves as the Executive Director.

Watch the full video below.